In my area of nursing, we have a specialized form of neonatal resuscitation called NRP (Neonatal Resuscitation Program). All nurses working in obstetrics or neonatal intensive care units are required to re-certify this skill every two years. Nurses practice their resuscitation skills in a safe environment, guided by healthcare team members like respiratory therapists, pediatricians, midwives, and other nurses.

During NRP training, there is a scenario called the ‘mega code,’ where a resuscitation is taken through all the steps until no further interventions are needed. In the past, the mega code was recorded via an overhead camera, and then we watched it as a group to identify areas of success and opportunities for improvement. I remember feeling very nervous the first time, as it was a new experience for me. However, watching myself perform the code helped me see where I was effective and where I needed to refine my skills. It was also reassuring to see that even highly experienced colleagues sometimes struggled with basic tasks, reminding me that this was a safe space for learning and practice.

As a visual learner, I found this method of evaluation and feedback especially beneficial. I can relate it to Weiss’ (2017) concept of photo-visual literacy. As a novice nurse, I had limited exposure to NRP, so being able to see myself in action and observe others was crucial to my learning. The visualization of my performance helped me improve, and it’s something I still rely on during code situations. I often receive comments about how calm I remain during times of crisis, and I believe it’s because I visualize my next steps, which keeps me focused and prepared.



Canadian Paediatric Society. (2024, September 3). Neonatal resuscitation program. Retrieved from

UNMC Nebraska Medicine. (n.d.). Neonatal resuscitation program. [Image]. Retrieved from

Weiss, D. (2017, December 2). The essential elements of digital literacy for the 21st century workforce. [Web log post]. Retrieved from